Rebranding can be defined as the marketing strategy of changing the corporate image of an organization. It refers to the process of giving a new name, change in design or symbol for an already established brand. It supports the idea of creating a different identity for a brand from the competitors in the market.

Facebook Inc have decided to rebrand itself as Meta focusing on building the Metaverse that would contribute to a shared virtual environment that bets to be the successor to the mobile internet. This decision of Rebranding of Facebook to Meta reflects the perceived growth opportunities of the company beyond its epithet on social media platform.

By rebranding, Facebook wants to reposition Metaverse to have a key growth area to attract younger users. It would be presented as the ultimate dream of social technology. It would reflect what the company stands for and the future one hope to build that would make everyone proud on Meta. With Metaverse, an online world can be built where people can game, work and communicate in a virtual environment, often using VR headsets.

The Company has unveiled a new sign at its headquarters in Menlo Park, California, replacing its thumbs-up ‘Like’ logo with a blue infinity shape. With Meta, the business is reported to be made in two different segments, one for our family of apps and other for the work on future platforms.

The name ‘Meta’ itself comes with the meaning ‘Beyond’ symbolizing on future chances to build more. It reflects that overtime where users will not need to use Facebook to use the company’s other services. The investment made heavily in augmented and virtual reality by the Company would bring changes to its different apps and technologies under one new brand although it would not change its corporate structure.

Facebook has already launched its own pair of smart glasses with Ray-Ban announcing a slew of new AR and VR product updates during Connect. These included a way for people using its Oculus VR headset to call friends using Facebook Messenger and for people to invite others to a social version of their home or Horizon Home.

With Metaverse glance, people can be connected as avatars and being transported to digital versions of various places and time periods. Metaverse would need to be build with utmost safety and privacy in mind allowing a complete solution of entertainment and preserved usage for its users. So, rebranding can boost new life to the business overshadowing any future competition. Visit UNIDRIM for any such branding and rebranding SEO tools and guidelines.